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雅思口语IELTS English2024


This is Jason, an IELTS tutor running IELTS exam preparation online courses in Beijing, China.

The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS Speaking test, and also to help you improve your skills of English speaking.

Wish you join me, and share your IELTS learning experience and your questions about English study!




Apr 22, 2024

前一天总熬夜 所以没时间吃早餐 I usually stay up late the day before, I don't have enough time in the morning and I would hurry to my workplace or school
完美 that'll be wonderful and terrific
自己住 live on my own/live independently
忽视早餐  I would ignore my breakfast

Apr 22, 2024

感觉没啥区别 I don't feel any different the next morning
我适应熬夜了 because I'm used to it now
很多时候我总熬夜  most of the time, I usually stay up late the day before
之前一天熬夜的话第二天心情不好  I wasn't in a good mood at all if I stayed up late the day before

Apr 19, 2024

没什么理由 no different reasons
在图书馆一直坐着很傻  I don't think sitting in somewhere for a long time is a very smart decision
去网络图书馆 I go to the website of my school library
啥都可以下载 I can download whatever I want
免费 be nearly free of charge 
受不了 disastrous

Apr 18, 2024

现在 at the moment /now/today/currently
因为工作生活都满意 because I've had a decent job and a regular life
我的生活挺满分的 I mean my life is almost perfect
当大明星很赚的 becoming a superstar would certainly make a lot of money at the time

Apr 17, 2024

我选大公司 I think most of the time I’ll go with the big companies
价格公道 it usually has a reasonable price
价格优势 the price advantage
商品靠谱 the products could be quite reliable 
解决  work it out 个人购物习惯 that is my personal shopping habit