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雅思口语IELTS English2024


This is Jason, an IELTS tutor running IELTS exam preparation online courses in Beijing, China.

The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS Speaking test, and also to help you improve your skills of English speaking.

Wish you join me, and share your IELTS learning experience and your questions about English study!




Nov 30, 2023

朋友大于天 A friend means everything to me,
遇到困难 when I'm in trouble or when something gets me into trouble
真正的 indeed

Nov 29, 2023

最棒的礼物不一定很贵重 the great gift for me is not very expensive
背后的含义才最重要 the meaning behind someone and the meaning behind the gift can be very important
充满爱 It was full of love
见证我的成长  witness my grow up

Nov 28, 2023

作为一个年轻人 as a young adult
选择 I would go with the coffee 
超喜欢 be big fan or be super fan of
客人 guests or visitors 
就我而言 for me or for my part

Nov 27, 2023

一些八卦 Some gossips
明星的八卦 朋友的八卦 something about movie stars something about our friends
未来职业 future career 严肃的话题 serious topics 
正式的方式 in a formal way

Nov 26, 2023

潜水是我唯一熟悉的水上运动了 Diving I think because that is the only water sports I get to know 
我的一些朋友超级喜欢玩 some of my friends are super fan
国际旅行 go on the international journey 
离我近的地方 somewhere close to me
怕水 I am a bit scared of water