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雅思口语IELTS English2024


This is Jason, an IELTS tutor running IELTS exam preparation online courses in Beijing, China.

The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS Speaking test, and also to help you improve your skills of English speaking.

Wish you join me, and share your IELTS learning experience and your questions about English study!




Mar 31, 2024

我妈妈做饭很厉害 很多年啦 she has been doing this for a long time for my family, more than 20 years
传统食物 西餐食物都会 some Chinese traditional food or some foreign food, the western style fast food and so on
食材和原材料什么的 她可厉害啦 the ingredients and raw materials, I...

Mar 30, 2024

小时候爱看动作片 For me, the action movies could be my favorite when I was at my young age
小时候就喜欢这些  the violence and crimes made my personal life in the childhood
现在爱看喜剧片 I think that I'm really into the comedies
忙碌之余 去电影院看 after a tough day of work or study I...

Mar 29, 2024

从没学过 I haven't learned any kinds of musical instrument before
小时候喜欢钢琴 when I was at my young age, I was a super fan of piano
学点钢琴的周边 learn something one or two on piano
品学兼优好学生 a very good student with a better result, with a good score
数理化之类的科目 the...

Mar 28, 2024

现在 at the moment/now/today/currently 
住在市中心 I'm living just right in the city center, the central area of my city
早晚都塞车  I usually get stuck in the traffic, sometimes in the morning, sometimes just in the evening 
真事儿 it happens for real
买房三要素 when you are trying to buy a new...

Mar 27, 2024

拒绝 not really nope, no way, not at all
保持注意力 pay attention to/stay focused on/keep an eye on
放空 rest my mind/relax/loose 尝试 try it
娱乐新闻 entertainment news 没兴趣 I have no interest/ I don't have any interest